Author Topic: Login failed error  (Read 17586 times)


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Login failed error
« on: March 09, 2007, 12:44:38 pm »
I'm getting the following error in the error log:

09-Mar-2007 10:31:30 smfbackup.http.SMFConnection doJob
SEVERE: smfbackup.http.SMFException: Login failed (no redirect received to the forum's admin page).

Everything seems to be fine.  JavaSMFBackup connects (using a proxy connection) but it then fails with this error.
The SMF installation is running correctly without any obvious problems.

The SMFBackup.conf seems to contain a forum.0.password entry presumably controlling this login process.


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Re: Login failed error
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 02:36:42 pm »
What the application does is the same as the browser will do.. I mean it just clicks and follows the redirects. What happens is that the redirect it was expecting did not arrive - and when I coded the program this happened when the password was bad (There was a redirect but to a page containing an error message such as cookie error, session error, or bad password - but NOT to the admin page).

This can also happen if the forum is integrated with other CMS and the SMF login flow is changed.. Do you have the forum running standalone on the domain - or is it integrated with other CMS/etc ?

I will update the code in the weekend so it would write down (to the logs) the .html page where it got redirect (and maybe containing some error which will actually tell what the forum thinks about the login).
In fact I'll rewrite the logging part - as it seems that its difficult to figure out what doesn't work when it should.

I'll keep the thread updated - thanks for the message :)


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Re: Login failed error
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2007, 03:37:06 pm »
The installation is a standard standalone one.  I have various packages installed, but no CMS or anything that affects login.  SMF is handling the login normally.


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Re: Login failed error
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2007, 01:43:13 am »
Please put the attached jar file into your JavaSMFBackup directory, replacing the existing one (you should not have the application running, otherwise you might not be able to overwrite it).

Then restart the application and have it make a backup..
It should create a directory named "errorpages" containing within one .html file named by your forum..
It's actually the .html page as well as the headers from the request and the answer from your forum.

You can doubleclick on it.. Please tell me what the forum think the error is (in my test runs I found possible messages):

You should enter your password.
Password incorrect.

My log from the app. window is:

[13/03 01:33:29] Next run at: Mar 13, 2007 1:45:00 PM
[13/03 01:33:31] Backup request received.
[13/03 01:33:31] Connection starting.
[13/03 01:33:31] Connecting to
[13/03 01:33:33] Issuing POST to
[13/03 01:33:34] Saving answer to: D:\JavaSMFBackup\errorpages\Hex.Ro2989.html
[13/03 01:33:34] class smfbackup.http.SMFException: No Refresh header received. Login failed ?
[13/03 01:33:34] Next run at: Mar 13, 2007 1:45:00 PM

The thing is that the requests the application sends trigger an error on the forum. These requests might be altered in some way by the proxy you said you were using.. and I need to know in what way.

It will be helpfull for me to see the .html page (doesn't contain any passwords and you can edit the forum address if you feel like - I just want to see the flow) as well as the text you see in the application window..



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Re: Login failed error
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2007, 01:52:02 am »

Please start the application by double clicking on the .jar file, instead of using the older SMFBackup.exe file [as the latter still contains an older version of SMFBackup.jar embedded in it].