1. in file: src/rules/mklcclib.bat "deltree /y" should be replaced by "rmdir /Q /S". - 2 occurences 2. in file src/rules/lccwin32.mak there are 8 spaces instead of one TAB at lines: 77, 84, 87, 88 a) also, the line RM = deltree /y should be changed to: RM = del /Q /S b) to be able to link the graphapp.lib to a .dll, this line also has to be changed: CFLAGS = -O -Zp4 -e5 -Dmain=app_main -I. -Iwin32 -Igui -Iimgfmt -Ilibgif -Ilibjpeg -Ilibpng -Ilibz to CFLAGS = -O -Zp4 -e5 -DCOMPILE_AS_A_DLL -Dmain=app_main -I. -Iwin32 -Igui -Iimgfmt -Ilibgif -Ilibjpeg -Ilibpng -Ilibz 3. If compiling after those changes, an error at file textundo.c will be generated: lcc -O -Zp4 -e5 -Dmain=app_main -I. -Iwin32 -Igui -Iimgfmt -Ilibgif -Ilibjpe g -Ilibpng -Ilibz -errout=gui/textundo.err -Fogui/textundo.obj gui/textundo.c Error gui/textundo.c: 20 unknown enumeration 'TextCommand' Fix is to changes these lines below (in src/gui/textundo.c) typedef enum TextCommand TextCommand; .. enum TextCommand { TC_UNDEFINED, TC_TYPING, TC_BKSP, TC_DEL, TC_PASTE, TC_CUT, TC_SELECT }; to this: typedef enum TextCommand { TC_UNDEFINED, TC_TYPING, TC_BKSP, TC_DEL, TC_PASTE, TC_CUT, TC_SELECT } TextCommand;